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About Me
Me, americananime
Name: I’m not giving it out over the internet … but my first name IS a palindrome.
Religious Affiliation: Methodist by attendance, Assembly of God at heart. (I’m a hybrid. Ph33r me). But I really don’t think denominations in Christianity matter. So long as it’s not a cult.
AKA: Americananime, Banah (mostly used by close friends & family), Banana
Age: 13
DOB: September 8th, 1989
Grade: 8th (Its summer …)
Height: 5’1“
Weight: Heh.
Build: Petite (duh)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown, curly, shoulder-length. Uncontrollable
Hobbies & Interests
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, taking insane surveys and online quizzes, hanging out with my best buds. I’m a big movie buff, a fan of Disney animation and most Japanese animation (MOST being the key word…)
Anime: Ruruoni Kenshin, Trigun
Character from said anime: Kenshin, Vash.
Manga: Oh, hard. Kadocha: Sana’s Stage, I suppose…
Character from said manga: Hayama. (You know you saw that coming…)
Cartoon: X-Men: Evolution
Character from said cartoon: Peitro Maximoff/ Quicksilver
Movie: … really hard question … Lord of the Rings (Live Action), Beauty and the Beast (Animated)
Character from said movie: Aragorn (LOTR), Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Book: Lord of the Rings (Series), Ella Enchanted (Stand-Alone)
Character from said book: Aragorn (LOTR), Ella (Ella Enchanted)
Comic: X-Men, Powermark. (I couldn’t choose one…)
Character from said comic: Nightcrawler (X-Men), Mark (Powermark)
Game: Kingdom Hearts (PS2)
Favorite Character from said game: Kiari. Sue me.
Card Game: Lord of the Rings
Character from said card game: Aragorn
Least Favorite Activity: Anything terribly physical.
Sport: Swimming (doing), Hockey (watching)
Favorite Reality TV show: While You Were Out on TLC. (No, it has nothing to do with the carpenter … Heh…)
The Story Of Banah
You may have noticed, browsing my site, that a character named "Banah" pops up frequently. What once started as a cartooned version of me has branched into her own character, a cat girl with yellow fur and intenas. ^^ She's my cheif mascot, and I hope you enjoy her.
Who is Kewie? She's my best friend in the whole wide world, and she's also known around the internet as Kewie K. I host her art here because when the site got started, she didn't have her own. Now she does; you can find her at She's a wonderful person; check out her journal and post something for her at her message board.
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